/manager/Index en-au 5 Between-match variation of peak match running intensities in elite football /manager/Repository/uon:46252 19.8 km · h-1) running distances and average acceleration (m · s-2), expressed relative to time. For each metric, the coefficient of variation and smallest worthwhile difference were calculated. The peak match running intensity data was similar to previously reported data from various football competitions. The between-match CV of relative total distance ranged between 6.8–7.3%, with the CV for average acceleration and relative high-speed running being 5.4–5.8% and 20.6–29.8%, respectively. The greater variability observed for relative high-speed running is likely reflective of the varying constraints and contextual factors that differ between matches. The reported between-match variability helps to provide context when interpreting match performance and prescribing training drills using peak match running intensity data.]]> Mon 14 Nov 2022 13:36:00 AEDT ]]> Positional and temporal differences in peak match running demands of elite football /manager/Repository/uon:53065 19.8 km· h−1] and average acceleration). Players were categorised based on positional groups: attacking midfielder (AM), central defender (CD), defensive midfielder (DM), striker (STR), wide defender (WD) and winger (WNG). Linear mixed models and effect sizes were used to identify differences between positional groups and halves. Peak running demands were lower in the second half for STR across all three reported metrics (ES = 0.60–0.84), with peak average acceleration lower in the second half for DM, WD and WNG (ES = 0.60–0.70). Irrespective of match half, AM covered greater peak total distances than CD, STR, WD and WIN (ES = 0.60–2.08). Peak high-speed distances were greater across both halves for WIN than CD, DM and STR (ES = 0.78–1.61). Finally, STR had lower peak average acceleration than all positional groups across both halves (ES = 0.60–1.12). These results may help evaluate implemented strategies that attempt to mitigate reductions in second half running performance and inform position specific training practices.]]> Fri 17 Nov 2023 11:45:12 AEDT ]]>